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Working with Mac OS X Server As soon as you finish installing the Xserve, it's ready to host all of the services provided by Mac OS X Server. For information about configuring and using Mac OS X Server, see Mac OS X Server: Getting Started on the Admin Tools disc. To learn more about the server. Abs acos acosh addcslashes addslashes aggregate aggregateinfo aggregatemethods aggregatemethodsbylist aggregatemethodsbyregexp aggregateproperties aggregatepropertiesby.

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Setup Hive on Mac

This tutorial will provide step by step instruction to setup Hive on Mac OS. Ambers airline - high hopes mac os.

Download Apache Hive
You can click here to download apache Hive 3.0.0 version or go to Apache site to download directly from there.Move the downloaded Hive binary to below path & extract it.

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There are 7 steps to complete in order run Hive
  • HDFS (Hadoop) setup should be present, if not present then please complete hadoop setup first. Steps available on Hadoop Setup
  • Setup environment variables in .profile file
  • Hive need external database to store Hive Metadata called Metastore. Setup either mysql or Derby database for Hive Metastore.
  • Download MySql connector jar and place it in Hive library.
  • Setup configuration files for local Hive
  • Setup HDFS for storing Hive data
  • Starting Hive
Each Step is described in detail below
  1. Validating hadoop: Hadoop version can be checked using below command.
  2. Set below Hive & mysql variables in the .profile file in $HOME directory
  3. Setup Hive Metastore: Mysql, oracle or Derby databases can be used for Hive metastore. Generally it is suggested to use Mysql over Derby. Derby is inbuilt with Hive but with this, you can create only single Hive session.
    • Mysql Setup: Mysql can be downloaded from this mysql site link. After downloading & installing mysql server, please follow below steps to start mysql server.
      1. Go to system preference and click on Dolphin like MySql icon as shown in figure below.
      2. Next window will have button 'Start MySql Server' to start server. Also ensure that checkbox 'Start MySql when your computer starts up'. Move to next step if it is already started.
      3. Add the below command in .profile file in home directory
      4. By default, there is no password for root user of mysql. We need to login root user & create new hive user to be used by Hive & spark.Login to MySql root user and execute below commands
    • Derby Setup: Derby is inbuilt and can be setup by running below commands.
      If you get below error after running above script
      Then search NUCLEUS_ASCII & NUCLEUS_MATCH function in below metadata load file and comment them using double hyphen(--).

  4. MySql Connector: Click here Download MySql connector or directly download from MySql site and extract it.Place the jar file at the following location.
  5. Setting up configuration files for Hive binary.
    • Add below command in $HIVE_HOME/bin/ file.
    • hive-site.xml (Mysql as Metastore) : Please create hive-site.xml file with below properties under $HOME/hadoop/apache-hive-3.0.0-bin/conf/ directory
    • hive-site.xml (Derby as Metastore) : Please replace below property with MySql properties in the above hive-site.xml site.

  6. Setup HDFS (creating directory) for storing Hive data & temporary data
  7. Starting Hive: Hive can be started with 'hive' command and hive shell will open
    If hive is able to connect to MySql metastore then above command will work else it will fail with below error
    Start hive console again with below command & again run show database commandNote: Hive console in above mode will show exact error why Hive is failing.
    If you are seeing timezone error like belowThen change the below value in hive-site.xml

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